One of the best inspirational quotes out there belongs to the great Martin Luther, who was a central figure in the Protestant Reformation in Europe in the 16th century. The quote is as follows: “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.” This quote basically means that there are things out there that are out of your control and should not even pay attention to. That those things should not affect your efforts to reach your goals and that those concerns should not stop you from reaching them. In short, it’s useless to fret over things that are out of your control and simply concentrate to whatever task is at hand. If something cannot be controlled, then the steps to reach the goal should be adjusted to accommodate the problem. This quote can also be interpreted as “I’ll finish my work no matter what.”
It’s a good quote to guide people who lack focus and dedication at work or with their own personal lives. There are so many distractions in life especially today with the internet and social media. It’s easy to get distracted or concerned about tribal wars in Africa, what wild stunt Miley Cyrus has up her sleeve or that racist tweet from some famous celebrity when there’s a project waiting to get done. It’s best to reserve those concerns when the end of the world can actually be heard from outside the door.